Are you an academic leader looking to grow professionally?

In October, I look forward to talking to higher education leaders about institutional culture and climate. As someone who specializes in helping improve the health of work systems, here is what I plan on speaking on, with my colleague Patrick Farrell.

Pre-Conference Workshop

Join in as we talk with you and your team about how you create hiring committees to advance your campus’ strategic plan.

We’ll be talking about:

  • Issues the next generation of faculty will face and the attributes we believe those faculty will need
  • The environment we want to bring new faculty into to increase the probability of their success and the institution’s future success
  • A framework you can use to align your campus’ strategic initiatives with your next hiring committee assignment

Concurrent Session

Attendees will hear about how to use systems thinking to increase campus innovation.

During this session, attendees will learn:

  • How to rethink current structures and processes in place at institutions
  • Real-life examples of how systems thinking can increase campus innovation and improve campus culture

Magna Leadership Network group meeting

We are excited to help Magna launch its pilot membership group and look forward to meeting the members in person.

To learn more or join the membership group, click here.


Leading Healthy Work Systems

A physician-leadership development program

This multi-session, small-group activity, was designed to give learners the necessary skills to recognize the physical, social, technological, and cultural attributes in their work environment that impact productivity and occupational well-being.

Explained what the phenomenon of quiet quitting and quiet firing means and how organizations can adapt and address it in positive ways.

WisBusiness: The Podcast

Dr. Katherine Sanders talks about how she makes work healthier for organizations. Listen here.


Dr. Sanders has more than 25 years of experience helping companies improve the health of their work systems. She has designed and taught the physician leadership program for the Wisconsin State Medical Society and other major healthcare companies to improve the health of their employees. Katherine was also an invited speaker at two annual conferences of the American College of Emergency Medicine.

In addition to her role as a consultant, Dr. Sanders teaches job design and research methods as an adjunct assistant professor at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. Previously she founded and led campus faculty and leadership development programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she also served as an assistant dean.